How to Clean Your Diamond Ring

Hand lotions hair styling products and everyday grime all leave enough of a film on your diamond ring to keep it from looking its best.  If you wait too long between cleanings those materials can accumulate into a thick layer of gunk on the back of your diamond, blocking light and making the diamond appear dull and lifeless.

Diamonds are the hardest substance known, but that doesn't mean we can bring them back to life with any old cleaner.  Coatings and other materials used to enhance diamonds can sometimes be removed by harsh chemicals or vigorous scrubbing, so take care when it's time to make your diamond ring sparkle.

Gentle and Effective Ways to Clean Diamond Rings

  1. Soak your diamond ring in a solution of mild liquid detergent and warm water.  Ivory dishwashing liquid is a good choice, but any other mild detergent is fine.
  2. Use a soft brush if necessary to remove dirt.  Soft is the key -- don't use a brush with bristles that are stiff enough to scratch the ring's metal setting.
  3. Swish the ring around in the solution and then rinse it thoroughly in warm water.  Close the drain first or put the ring in a strainer to keep from losing it!
  4. Dry the diamond ring with a lint-free cloth.

If the diamond and setting needs extra help use a dental Water Pik to flush away small bits of grime.  You can also use a wooden toothpick to very carefully push dirt away from the diamond and setting.

Cleaning Unfilled Diamonds

Diamonds that have not been fracture filled can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia and water. Use the gentler liquid detergent solution for fracture filled diamonds because ammonia might eventually either clout or remove the coating that's been placed on the gemstone.

Cleaning rings with Multiple Types of Gemstones

The method you use to clean jewelry should protect its weakest element.  If your ring includes other gems use a cleaning method that is suitable for the less durable stones.

Protect Diamond Rings from Chlorine

You might already protect your hands from harsh chemicals but if you don't think about how chemicals such as chlorine can affect your fine jewelry.  Remove your rings or wear gloves to keep chlorine away from your rings.

Your Best Choice -- Come by our store and let us do the cleaning...FREE !!!

It only takes a few minutes for us to make your rings sparkle and shine like new and best of all it's FREE !

Our staff will quickly get your rings sparkling and shining and they will give your rings a quick check to let you know if they see any problems you need to be aware of with your setting such as loose or broken prongs and other damages that can occur over time.

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